How to, Make EDB Postgres Advanced Server 11.1 compatible with Oracle database

Many friends are asking, if you want to migrate from Oracle to other Database, what should I do? In fact, EDB is a good solution, I hope this article helps you understand how to be compatible with Oracle database.

1.  Preinstallation
Step 1. Please download and install JDk 1.7.

     Step 2. Please download JDBC driver for Oracle.

     Step 3. Please put ojdbcxx.jar file to $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext.

2.Begin to install EDB postgres Advanced Server
     Step 1. Download and Unzip installation file.

                     Important Step!!Please choose Compatible with Oracle.

     Step 2. Install EDB option package.

3.  Check result
     Step 1. Use psql command to login database.

     Step 2. Login Postgres Enterprise Manager.



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