

Oracle Autonomous Health FrameworkAHF)將做為Oracle下一代健康檢測整合工具,這些工具可以24x7全天候自動協同工作,以保持資料庫系統的健康和運作,同時大幅度地減少人類的反應等待時間。Oracle應用機器學習技術,Oracle AHF可以提供預警或自動解決資料庫和系統管理員在高可用性(HA)和性能方面的運作問題。

通過以下方法,Oracle AHF可以在軟體(資料庫,GIOS)和硬體(CPU,網絡,記憶體,儲存設備)問題期間保留資料庫系統的高可用性和效能:
      A. 為潛在的高可用性(HA)或性能下降問題提供預警。
      B. 快速識別瓶頸資源、重新分配資源、確定根本原因和AI建議採取的措施以快速解決。
      C. 快速收集相關且完整的診斷log,可以上傳Oracle線上Support服務進行有效分類。

1.     首先建立AHF安裝資料夾
[root@rac1 tmp]# mv AHF-LINUX_v19.3.2.zip /u01
[root@rac1 tmp]# cd /u01
[root@rac1 u01]# ls
AHF-LINUX_v19.3.2.zip  app
[root@rac1 u01]# mkdir AHF

2.    解壓縮檔案
[root@rac1 u01]# unzip AHF-LINUX_v19.3.2.zip -d AHF
Archive:  AHF-LINUX_v19.3.2.zip
  inflating: AHF/README.txt
  inflating: AHF/ahf_setup

3.    執行安裝程式
[root@rac1 u01]# cd AHF
[root@rac1 AHF]# ls
ahf_setup  README.txt
[root@rac1 AHF]# ./ahf_setup

AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64

AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_23058_2019_12_06-16_17_11.log

Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation

AHF Version: 193200 Build Date: 201911251327

TFA is already installed at : /oracle/asm/tfa/rac1/tfa_home(偵測到TFA之前安裝路徑)

Installed TFA Version : 192000 Build ID : 20190405072025

Default AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf

Do you want to change AHF Location (/opt/oracle.ahf) ? Y|[N] : Y

Please Enter new AHF Location : /u01/AHF(更改安裝位置)

AHF Location : /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf

AHF Data Directory stores diagnostic collections and metadata.
AHF Data Directory requires at least 5GB (Recommended 10GB) of free space.
Choose Data Directory from below options :

1. /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf [Free Space : 13064 MB]
2. /oracle [Free Space : 13064 MB]
3. Enter a different Location

Choose Option [1 - 3] : 1

AHF Data Directory : /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data

Shutting down TFA : /oracle/asm/tfa/rac1/tfa_home

Copying TFA Data Files from /oracle/asm/tfa/rac1/tfa_home

Uninstalling TFA : /oracle/asm/tfa/rac1/tfa_home

Do you want to add AHF Notification Email IDs ? [Y]|N : Y

Enter Email IDs separated by space : xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com

Extracting AHF to /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf

Configuring TFA Services

Copying TFA Data Files to AHF

Discovering Nodes and Oracle Resources

Starting TFA Services

| Host | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID             |
| rac1 | RUNNING       | 25402 | 5000 | | 19320020191125132721 |
| rac2 | RUNNING       |  5018 | 5000 | | 19200020190405072025 |

Running TFA Inventory...

|              Summary of AHF Configuration             |
| Parameter       | Value                               |
| AHF Location    | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf                 |
| TFA Location    | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/tfa             |
| Orachk Location | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/orachk          |
| Data Directory  | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data            |
| Repository      | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data/repository |
| Diag Directory  | /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/diag  |

AHF install completed on rac1

AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :

1. rac2

The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes
AHF Location : /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf
AHF Data Directory : /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data

Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N : Y

Installing AHF on Remote Nodes :

AHF will be installed on rac2, Please wait.

Installing AHF on rac2 :

[rac2] Copying AHF Installer

[rac2] Running AHF Installer

AHF binaries are available in /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/bin

AHF is successfully installed

Moving /tmp/ahf_install_23058_2019_12_06-16_17_11.log to /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/diag/ahf/

[root@rac1 AHF]#
[root@rac1 AHF]#cd /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/orachk

[root@rac1 orachk]# pwd

[root@rac1 orachk]# ./orachk -autostart
Started orachk discovery caching....

Clusterware stack is running from /oracle/asm. Is this the correct Clusterware Home?[y/n][y]

Searching for running databases . . . . .

.  .
List of running databases registered in OCR

1. racdb
2. None of above

Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 1 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-2][1]. .  .  .  .

Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS

.  .  .  . . . .
.  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                                 Oracle Stack Status
  Host Name       CRS Installed  RDBMS Installed    CRS UP    ASM UP  RDBMS UP    DB Instance Name
       rac1                       Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes              racdb1

Copying plug-ins

. .
.  .  .  .  .  .

Collections and audit checks log file is

Successfully completed orachk discovery caching.

Setting up orachk auto restart functionality

oracle-orachkscheduler start/running, process 33357
Starting orachk daemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

orachk daemon started successfully

Daemon log file location is : /u01/AHF/oracle.ahf/data/rac1/orachk/orachk_daemon.log

[root@rac1 orachk]#


其他請參考Oracle 官網的AHF說明。



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